After working on Rocket Arena for the last few years, I've decided to leave my role at Final Strike Games to pursue work at Pie Trap Studios full-time
We're working on an Original Game and provide Art Services for other developers!
We released the 3v3 arena shooter I've been working on at Final Strike Games!
It was loads of fun, and a really cool genre mashup. So I hope you check it out for PS4, XboxOne, and PC!
I've finally gotten my first 3d sculpt produced as a resin figurine! unassembled grey garage-kits are available on my Etsy store!
eventually I hope to do more and experiment with pre-painted figures, but hope you take a look anyway :)
Jumping back into that studio lyfe and started at Final Strike Games working on their first project!
After working at 5th Cell Media for almost 2.5 years, all projects were canceled and I was let go along with a bunch of great game developers :(
The up-side is if you're keen to work with some industry greats, they're fresh on the market now! So definitely hit them up. Sad to see the band break up, but on to new adventures!!!
5th Cell put together a rad artbook for their past games with Udon Entertainment
Wicked cool work in here from Lock's Quest, the Scribblenauts series, Drawn to Life, Hybrid, and Run Roo Run. I joined the team after all this, but really cool to see all the mad work from everyone involved!
I'm really appreciative for the folks at Pixologic's Zbrush blog to plug me again :)
It's a super humbling experience to have my work up next to a buncha artists who are way better than myself haha. Thanks guys!
After freelancing for 2 years in San Francisco, I was offered an awesome opportunity with the amazing 5th Cell in Washington to join their character team! I'm pretty stoked to be here and contribute to what should be an awesome game :)
I was told ZbrushCentral's blog started spotlighting artists and I was spotted there :D
It's a real honor to be listed on the same page as some of these awesome peeps :)
I've been throwing together some youtube timelapses occasionally, but I finally linked them up here on my tutorials page if you wanna take a look :)
I'm sure most of you are familiar with Jon-Troy 'Hazardous' Nickel's awesome work, but he's also been kind enough to reach out to a handful of us to guide us into taking our female characters to the next level.
I'm very fortunate to be a part of it, so I'm super stoked! :) I'm doing Dizzy (GuiltyGear)
After working at Cryptic Studios for a while, I decided to part ways so I could go back to art school in hopes of improving myself as an artist.
I've always felt I was missing something artistically, so despite having to leave friends and coworkers I finally took the leap o faith!
Udon Entertainment is publishing an artbook to tribute Megaman! I was lucky enough to have my entry printed in the book.
You can purchase it here if you're a megaman freak like me!
FB Store/Fetch Docs
This Photoshop script will store/fetch documents between sessions by saving a temporary or custom file
this can be useful for if you have a number of reference files, textures, etc. for any particular project you'd have to keep re-opening
FB Quick Loop/Ring
This script will enable graphite-like shift+clicking for loop/ring selection in the UnwrapUVW and Skin modifiers
FB UV conversion
This script will enable conversion of UV subobjects when holding CTRL and switching subObj mode in the UnwrapUVW modifier
FB Sub-Obj Pivot
This script creates its own toggle of workingpivot which aligns to currently selected subobjects. Useful for pose-tweaking, hardsurface, and more. Click to read more
Star Trek Online hit shelves today. I wasn't really on the project, but I got to do a little extra work on it
Go pick it up and feed yer inner trekkie!

After Champions Online I've decided to release a test version of 'Funky Bar'.
I'm improving it as I get time, but if you'd like to see how it affects your workflow now,
You may download it here
Enclosed is a short readme,
but please send me any questions or feedback.
I've finally got my first shipped title: Champions Online
What a blast! Go pick it up!
I've released a skinning script for 3ds max called 'FB average Weights'.
This script allows you several options to make full blends between vertex weights rather than blending only on one bone at a time.
It may take some getting used to, but it's already significantly sped up my skinning workflow so I hope you'll find it useful :)